Anchoria Money Market

The Anchoria Money Market Fund is a low-risk, open-ended investment vehicle that lets you invest in high-quality money market instruments such as Treasury Bills, Certificates of Deposit, Commercial Papers, and Banker’s Acceptance. The fund’s main objectives are to provide high liquidity, capital preservation, and moderate-income.
The Fund is suitable for both corporate and individual investors seeking high returns on their idle funds.


  • The minimum investment amount is N5,000.00

  • The minimum investment amount is N5,000.00

  • The minimum investment amount is N5,000.00

  • The minimum investment amount is N5,000.00


  • The minimum investment amount is N5,000.00

  • The minimum investment amount is N5,000.00

  • The minimum investment amount is N5,000.00

  • The minimum investment amount is N5,000.00


Anchoria Money Market

Anchoria Money Market

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